Harold Mouchère

I am Full Professor at the Nantes Université, and I teach industrial computing at the IUT (Technical Institute) of Nantes and carry out my research within the Image Perception Interaction team of the Nantes Digital Sciences Laboratory (LS2N).
My research field is pattern recognition applied to images, especially with deep neural networks. I have been working since my thesis in 2007 on the analysis of handwriting, whether on tactile surfaces or ancient handwritten documents, to recognize text, equations or diagrams. I was the leader of the series of competitions international CROHME for the recognition of handwritten equations. Since my HDR 2016, I am also interested in medical image analysis (computer aided decision in gastroenterology and microscopy) and industrial images (pose estimation of industrial objects from 2D images).
Since 2020 I am the co-animator of the AIby4 (Artificial Intelligence by human, for human) federating 13 labs of the Nantes area on the usage of AI for health and industry. I am also the head of the IPI team of the LS2N.

Contact information
Teaching : IUT de Nantes, Dept GEII
2, avenue du Professeur Jean Rouxel
B.P. 539
44475 Carquefou Cedex
+33 2-28-09-21-72
Research : LS2N, IPI team
Rue Christian Pauc
BP 50609
44306 Nantes Cedex 03
Room B207
+33 2-40-68-30-82